Code symbol +

Item name

Name of item [*+]

Name of item [@+]

Name of item [=+]

The grouping modifier can be used to combine consecutive items into one container. Its primary use is with Activity components but can also be used with Well and Note components.

When added to an appropriate container, the grouping modifier will move the next item inside this component container.

The grouping modifier can also include a number to increase the amount of consecutive items to be grouped. If a number is not supplied only the one next item will be merged.


This is a last resort tool. There may be a easier way to do what you are trying. When in doubt, use the easy way first.


Don't cross the streams! Make sure groups do not overlap. It can result in some odd behaviour, or even cause a quantum inversion in the styler.


The following code shows three items. The first will wrap the content of the item in an activity wrapper (*) and set it's icon to video (2). The grouping code (+) is followed by a two (2) causing the following two items—a YouTube video and another text item—to be merged into the activity box. Both following items have their heading hidden and some padding is added to the last item.

Activity: Infinite Improbability Drive [*2+2]          (Standard item)
Improbability Drive video [_]                          (YouTube mashup item)
Activity: Infinite Improbability Drive continued [_!]  (Standard item)

Sample padding in student view

Sample padding in student view