Code symbol @

Item name

Name of item [@]

Modifier codes

An colour modifier code (1-3) can be added to change the background colour of the box.

A no heading modifier code (_) can be added to remove the heading.

A padding modifier code (!) can be used to add additional space before the Well box.

The grouping modifier code (+) can be used to merge additional items into the Well box.

The well component will wrap the content of the item in a bordered box with a tinted background.


The following item title will wrap the content of the item in a Well box (@). Because no other modifiers are supplied it will have the light background, and the heading will be displayed.

Lorem Ipsum information [@]

Sample Well in academic view

Sample Well in student view


The addition of the No heading modifier will hide the heading in the Well box.

Lorem Ipsum information [@_]

Sample Well with no heading in student view