Code symbol ‘top-banner’

Item name


A page banner can be added to the top of the page by inserting an Image item from the Build Content menu and setting its name to top-banner. The image will be moved to the very top of the page and expanded to the outer edges.

When creating an image item, you can also add a description. This description will be used as a caption and inserted under the bottom-right corner of the banner.


The banner component is special in that it does not require a code to activate like other components, the specific type is an image item, and it's name (top-banner) is the code.


The top banner image item can be anywhere in the page, and it will be moved to the top of the page when styled. Keeping the items on the page in a logical order will assist students to make sense of the content if they are using a device that cannot use the content styler.

The image should be optimised according to the specifications for a banner image.


A top banner image is often just for decoration, so you do not need to an ALT description (i.e. leave it blank), and most e-readers will ignore the image.


Only use one top banner image per page. The content styler doesn't know any better, and will just add them all to the top of the page.


The following shows an image item named "top-banner". The image item also has some description text showing the source of the image. The image is moved to the top of the page and the source text is add underneath.


Sample top banner in academic view

Sample top banner in student view