The Content Styler item can be created as a new item named “content-styler” and add the following HTML code using the Source code button in the editor.


<p>This content is best viewed with a modern web browser.</p>
<p><strong>Do not edit this item.</strong></p>
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/window.contentStylerData={'id':'@X@user.pk_string@X@','courseId':'@X@course.pk_string@X@','contentId':''};const s=document.createElement('script');s.src=`https://${window.location.hostname}/bbcswebdav/institution/global-resources/scripts/contentStyler/content_styler.js`;s.defer=true;s.type ='text/javascript';document.head.appendChild(s);/*]]>*/</script>


The page must be set to Show “Icons and Text”. This setting is available in the dropdown next to the page title, or can be set for the entire site from the Style Settings page (Site Management → Customisation → Style Settings → Default Content View).